martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

Weddings Season

Since last year's winter, I have noticed a high increase in marriages and pregnancy.
I don not know if this is somehow related to the fact my University Generation is approaching to its end.

Every person I know had already uploaded pictures of their engagement rings, engagement dinner, and some of them have already started giving invitations.

And, don't misunderstand me, I am not against spending the rest of your life with the person you love; It's just that the amount of people it's way too high. Or maybe I haven't been paying enough attention to this topic, no until now. And finding myself, in the middle of all this lovey dovey people, is just shocking. 
(Which reminds me, Valentine's is coming to town... are you ready? me? Nah... This person is a loner.... apparently)

And is thanks to this spread of love, that THIS PERSON (me), is going to be a maid of honour!!
And this, is what really excites me, being there for a dear dear friend.
So from today on, I am on diet ;) 


Who knows, maybe I catch be bouquete ;)

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